Thursday, September 23, 2010

Smile Cookie Day At Timmies...

Feathering My Nest has moved!... come check all of this out over at

We stopped to get tea on our way to work this morning... I had left my travel cup at work so couldn't make one to take with me... and turns out that its Smile Cookie Day... $1 per cookie and the full proceeds from the cookie sales are donated!..  I was too tired to do any quilt work last night... and my plan today when I get home is to go to bed!..  There is a roast in the slow cooker... so we'll probably make something easy to go with... mashed potatoes and some veggies?.. then sleep...

Ooo... I just looked through the Restoration Hardware Catalogue that came in the mail... I think I need a second job...  and all the money from that can go straight to buying furniture and accessories from Restoration Hardware... 

Ooo... a Michael's flyer came too...  heading there this weekend to get my wreath form for the carnation wreath...  and we're making a trip to Home Depot for winterization supplies... burlap... stakes... twine... It's supposed to be nice this weekend so it'll be a good time to get the gardens ready for the Winter... and its time to start pricing out supplies for the basement... weee!...


  1. Mmmm, I just picked up a Smile Cookie on the way to work this morning!

  2. Got another cookie this morning... Mmm!...


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