Sunday, May 22, 2011

Sunshiny Windy Day...

Feathering My Nest has moved!... come check all of this out over at

Today started out as a lazy day... then after Jiggs Dinner at my Grandparents house the Momma and I headed out to Chamber Cove... and up through the rocky coastline...

...the sun was out today... but it was windy... and chilly starting out...

...the rocks have the brightest green algae on them...

...and there are little wrinkle shells all over...

...and sea urchin shells... we came home with about 50 of them!.. the seagulls pick them up when the tide is out and drop them on the mossy bog above the rocky coast to chow down on... and they usually leave the shells intact... much to our luck!.. I think I'll be bringing some of them to the Vintage Chicks sale!..

...the rocks that make up the coastline are magnificent... some are very geometric and look like random steps all over... then others connect to those step like formations and are large areas that are washed and worn and very organic undulating forms... the ocean was roaring... I got out on the rocks close to the water to get a few wave pictures... the salty spray was cold... and smelled soooo good... refreshing...

I laid out flat on my belly to grab a few shots... the waves in the these shots rushed in past both sides of the rock that I was on... 

...I could have sat for hours and watched the waves come and go...

Over at the last beachy area we stopped on the rocks were large round pebbles... and when the tide would go back out it would pull the rocks out with it... the rocks made the most amazing sound... like a giant rainstick... 

I was kicking myself for not having brought my zoom lens... check out this rock's seaweed skirt...

On our walk back we took the trail up above the rocky coastline to save our ankles from further injury... I think I rolled over both ankles at least a dozen times... and this evening my body feels like took a spin in a rock tumbler... what a work out it is to walk the rocky beaches...

On the trail out we found a pile of little ferns coming to life... they're so velvety and sweet!..  Tomorrow we're taking the quad out to the sandy beach...

Ooo... I have to say... I've been getting driving practice in!..  Everyone's said that too me that I just need to practice driving... I know... lame I have some fear of driving... but I'm getting over it!..


  1. It looks so pretty there!! (Adding visit Nfld to my cross Canada dream trip!)
    and good for you for doing some driving. Practice definitely helps with confidence. I hear ya on the fear of it, I'm taking a break from it for a while but hope to get back to it again soon. Maybe we can be virtual driving support buddies and schedule our tests for the same time-ish! :)

  2. Nice Blog.
    I am researching NFL as a vacation spot this year.
    Chamber Cove has a great WWII history. Here's the link to it.

    I look forward to visiting Chamber Cove this year 2012. I find the Newfoundlanders to be such nice people.

  3. Thanks Dee! Oh you should definitely travel to NL for a vacation - It is so beautiful! My parents live in St. Lawrence and we always go out to Chamber Cove, and well all over the area really, whenever Chris and I get home for a visit! You're going to love it!

    Thanks for popping by!



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