Sunday, June 26, 2011

Oh Hai!... I've gone missing again...

Feathering My Nest has moved!... come check all of this out over at

...but I'm back now... didn't go far... didn't really go anywhere... well again... I'm starting to sound like a broken record... was stupid busy at work... That's the last time I'm gonna say that... it must be irritating to read that over and over... for the most part just about everyone is stupid busy at work... so thats it... no more complaining from me about it...

Furs and I went camping with some of my work crew this past Friday night... ...the first annual Heavy camping I did kinda go somehwere... and it was kinda far... far being relative... and me not being a camper... but still it was like 2.5 - 3 hours away from our house... I think thats far if you're not a camper...

Map... check!..

...a quick stop in Longview along the way to visit Pam at her shop... and to get some road snacks from the Longview Jerky Shop... check!..

...back on the road with the convoy of campers...


Like I said I'm not much of a camper... say if we had a big motor home... and a quad I'd be up for camping all the time... I don't have patience for putting up a tent and then taking down a tent... though it was nice to get out of the city... nothing to hear but the river... birds... and crackling fire... well and hootin' and hollering of the work crew... myself included... no traffic noise though... that was nice...

Luckily today its raining... perhaps a bizarre thing to say... but when its raining out I don't feel bad that I'm indoors because I'm not missing out on any sunshine... I can get some work done in the house!.. and I can just laze around on the couch... when its sunny out I have to be outside... 

What do you use your rainy weekend days to do?..


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