Sunday, September 11, 2011

Golf and Breakfast Sammiches...

Feathering My Nest has moved!... come check all of this out over at

Chris's company golf tournament was this past Friday... I'm not a golfer... we'll I'd never golfed before...  Do you golf?.. is it possible to actually improve?.. The way I played it doesn't seem so to me!..  

Unfortunately the batteries in our little camera were dead... and I didn't want to drag out the big slr... for fear of misplacing it... golfing with alcoholic beverages equals greater potential for losing important items...

iPhone took a few shots before it's battery died... I've noticed that I have quite a few looking down at my feet shots... from my whole photo library... not just golfing... I'll have to make a post of those shots... just don't want to attract foot creeps!..

Being a non golfer I was unsure of what to wear golfing... I went for the sailor look... can't go wrong with that...

The weather was beautiful... I chased some geese...  caught a lady bug... had a nap in a sand pit... sand in my chucks...

Near the end I gave up the kicks... and socks... it got too hot...  our team kicked ass and had a ton of fun!

Yesterday the neibs and I had a yard sale... Not a big turnout of people though... it was sorta weird... maybe yardsaling is more of a spring/summer thing?..  it's sorta Fallish out... well not sorta... it is!.. it's cold in the mornings now... but its still getting quite hot out during the day...

Today?.. super lazy laundry day... we did groceries with tea early this morning... picked up a few paint chips at Home Depot... I think I wanna paint both of the upstairs bathrooms...

Then... from Pinterest I also found this wicked recipe... it's something sort of obvious... but I didn't realize that these could be frozen... so I've a doz. made for breakfasts this week... 

One of us just has to toss two in the oven when we get up... it can cook while we're getting ready for work... then we'll grab them on the way out the door!..

I sorta feel like making something... not sure what... finishing a project that is almost complete?.. hmm... I've also been feeling super tired the past two days... I somehow managed to tweak my neck... my knee... and my ankle golfing...  maybe a nap is in order... yes... a nap...

What have you gotten up to this weekend?


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