Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Another Sad Day...

Feathering My Nest has moved!... come check all of this out over at www.featheringmynest.ca/blog

I can't believe it... that I'm even typing this right now after the past couple of months we've had with our furbabies... our sweet sweet Milo boy had gotten very ill again over the past couple of weeks and went back into emergency care this past weekend... we didn't want him suffering as he had multiple things working against him... we had to let him go... I just can't fucking believe it...

Our hearts have broken wide open... again... unexpected illness...

He was such a good boy... a little ladies man... a man's man... he loved up everyone and acted extra cute when we had visitors... he was Chris's boy... he was my little man... I couldn't take out the camera without him rubbing by and getting some part of himself in the shot... 

Every morning he would come into the bathroom while I was getting ready for the day and get up into his basket... okay I would pick him up before he had a chance to jump up into his basket... just lending a hand...  once I got to straightening my hair I would stop and comb him... his whiskers... backs of his ears... tum... under his chin... then I'd steal a few under the chin kitty kisses... he would stretch his head right back... every now and then I'd get a bite on the nose... never hard... just a little bite...

Whenever Chris was sitting on the couch Milo would get right up on his lap and chest for some snuggly snuggles and scratches... I would always tell people that he was like a puppy when trying to describe his personality... he was so affectionate... he loved to be chased around the house... and was a pro at the hid and sneak up... When you open the pantry he was straight into the recycle bin.... Milo, like Cleo, was such a part of our lives...  I still can't believe that he is gone...


  1. I am so sorry for the loss of Milo. It's never easy to lose our furry friends, they are such a huge part of our lives.

  2. Awww Lacey, I'm so very sorry for your terrible loss. Sending you hugs & thinking of you. xo


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