Sunday, November 20, 2011

See!.. I'm Still Here!.. And I've Been Productive!..

Feathering My Nest has moved!... come check all of this out over at

Hey!.. What have you been up to!?.  This past weekend... ugh... it's Sunday night... why can't today be Saturday still!?. anyway this past weekend Fur's and I finished up... almost... our Christmas shopping for our families!.. Well the stuff we have to send in the mail anyway!.. YESS!.. no need for super expedited get it there tomorrow panic rush shipments this year!.. 

Today... Furs and I and a few coworkers went to the Pacific Place mall up in the NE for Dim Sum... it was YUM!..

Om nom nom...

On our way home we picked up a string of warm white lights for the front eve of the house... the lower eve... 

Chris put up the lights and I wrapped the bushes in burlap... should have done that back in October... ran out of burlap though... will have to finish up two bushes out front... and the gardens in the backyard next weekend...

It's the first year we've had lights on the house!.. we've put them inside in the windows the past couple of years... but thats just not the same as lights outside...  Next weekend I'll get greenery at the Spruce Meadows Christmas Market to do the two planters out front...

Check out the perfect string of lights!.. Oooo... Ahhhh!..

I mentioned it in a few previous posts... my September and October were out of hand busy... I worked and slept... wasn't capable of much else... well most of the houseplants have perished... apparently I didn't water the house plants for two months... the big fern was just a raggy mess... so I tossed it... and the planter was in quite the state...

Galvanized my ass!.. I sanded the rust off... and there were small holes in it!.. I primed it... painted it cream... and was hoping to be done there... BUT it looked terrible still... it had gone to far... THEN I had a thought!.. 

Cover it with sheet music!.. now it's new and refreshed... and the inside lined with plastic to prevent further corrosion!.. I've planted 6 paperwhite bulbs in it!... I didn't have any sand so had to use these rocks... actually... come to think of it... I think I have a ziplock of decorative sand in the entertainment unit... I'll have to run and check after... The rocks just aren't dainty enough for the sweet paperwhites...

...six planted in the trough... then four in these four little buckets that I've dropped into an old looking tool box...

...again the not so nice rocks...

We also picked up three amaryllis... a big read one... a white one... and one that is red and white... planted in various containers whose plants had perished...

I can't wait for them all to bloom...

This last one... I'm wondering if this little container is too small... someone with amaryllis experience let me know!..

Are you getting excited for Christmas!?.  I've begun to listen to Christmas music...  :)


Linky Love:  C.R.A.F.T


  1. It will likely be fine, they love to be root bound. Be sure to show us how it looks in bloom!

  2. The amaryllis has just bloomed! 2.5 months later!


Your thoughts are greatly appreciated! Thank you for stopping by!