Monday, February 21, 2011

WHOOPIE!.. pies!

Feathering My Nest has moved!... come check all of this out over at

Om nom nom nom... 

Its bright and sunny out today... and not nearly as cold as it has been the past week... 0 degrees Celsius right now... but I've been inside all day... I spent the better part of the day straighening out the sewing room... once I got that room back in working order I decided it was time to make a mess in the kitchen... and I made Chocolate Chip Whoopie Pies... Mmm... they're so tasty... a little time consuming as you bake them one batch at a time... but while each batch is baking you got a bit of time in between to get the buttercream icing made and a little bit of the mess cleaned up...

I'll let the pictures do the talking... I have to clean up the rest of the kitchen mess... then perhaps a nap on the couch...

Totally not ready to go back to work... this long weekend should be longer!.. haha never satisified with the lenght of a weekend...


  1. your cookies look fantastic....fluffy and just the right coloring....share your recipe?

  2. I'd love to see pics of your sewing room! See if I can pick up any organization ideas/tips ;)

  3. These look SO yummy! I'm getting myself into way too much trouble with sweets lately!


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