Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Okay, okay... there has been no progress on the chairs in the past two evenings...  I'm just bagged when I get home after work... but I've decided not to reuse the the metal tacking strips from the old chairs... they're too warped and crap... and the cardboard tack strips are just ripped to shit and shapeless, so I found a place here in town that sells upholstery supplies... after a quick trip there today after work I'll be set to get the chair put back together... well I need to find an electric knife to borrow... or purchase... I found one on kijiji for $5... maybe I can get there tomorrow evening to get that picked up!?  Chris is working this Saturday so I'll be working on the chair ALLLL day... and well probably all day on Sunday too... I'm so excited to see them finished...

Here's a sneaky peak of the chairs with the fabrics that I was choosing between... I chose the fabric on the chair to the left... the fabric on the right was too flimsy and satiny... the left one with the smaller print was more canvassy...

12 meters of the fabric on the left has been bought... what do you think?


  1. I think that it's awesome. i would have chosen the fabric on the left.

  2. I love both! I actually used the Waverly fabric on the right in our last home to decorate our master bedroom.


Your thoughts are greatly appreciated! Thank you for stopping by!