Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Muchos Progress!

I could barely sleep Friday night - it was like trying to go to sleep on Christmas eve - the sods were coming Saturday morning!  We got them mid morning and laid them so quick!  We also got an umbrella and fireplace for the patio - out little outdoor living room!  

I only have 5 mins now before I start work but I just got my take aways done - well the draft version of them done, take a look, what do you think!?

I'm going to print them on different colours of card stock.  They look best printed on a proper printer - not a sissy inkjet printer - so I'll have to bring the pdf to a Staples somewhere I guess to have them printed.  I'm thinking of buying a paper cutter though - very useful things.  I've also decided on the photos that I want to sell at the Festival - in just two weeks!  I have to take a final look through my photo library though to see if I missed anything that I think might go over well... still lots of work to be done - I have to finish up the mustache necklaces tonight!

Gotta run - the work day begins!

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